Christian Wallpaper

Monday, August 15, 2005

Truly Loved by God

I used to say and tell myself that God loves me but it never became a reality

In it self till somewhere about the beginning of last year when I was going through some tumultuous times. It was in this time that I was trying to tell a friend that Jesus loved her too (trying to tell her is somewhat mild)

I was surprised at what I got to hear, “Jesus loves me; is absolutely useless for me”

What was even more surprising to me was that I couldn’t answer to her statement; it was because I was stumped. How is Jesus’ love useful in this world where everything is relative? As somebody called it the microwave generation, rightfully so.

Jesus’ love to me is as real as real could possibly get. It was during that troubled time that I found that He was there with me, even when I thought he wasn’t

I kept wondering and thinking of someway to put it in words how the Love of Christ had been useful to me.

When I think of how unconditionally Jesus Christ has loved me that even though I didn’t recognize his love He still loved me and kept on loving me. His love has taught me how to love others the way He has loved me. It’s so difficult loving selflessly like he did, even loving the ones who are closest to us and yet I know for sure that is how He loves me.

He loved me knowing that I wouldn’t love Him back the same way.

Jesus Christ ……I could spend all of eternity thanking you for your love and it still won’t be enough. Your love is real that it lifts me up turns me around and wants me to share it out with everyone I meet.

The way Jesus loved me is best described in 1 Corinthians 13:4

Love endures long and is patient and is kind;

Love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy,

Is not boastful or vainglorious,

It is not conceited; it is not rude and does not act unbecomingly,

Love is not self seeking, is not resentful,

Nor does it keep track of when it has been wronged

It does not rejoice at injustice but rejoices when truth prevails

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes;

Love never looses hope, endures everything…….and love never fails.

I pray the Jesus’ love which is so real for me flows out of my life so that others may know that I am loved by God …and so are they.


Anonymous said...

Maybe your friend meant 'relevant' rather than 'useful.'
Maybe she needed the touch of a human hand, (as some of us do) rather than pronouncements from the Bible that made her feel like she was to be pitied.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe thats what she meant.It was never meant to a pronouncement not now not then.
It was never pity also.
All of us do need that human touch,including myself.