Holy Holy is my saviour
Gave his life for me
On the cross
His love reached out and gave me a reason to dream
We‘ve come to worship we’ve come to praise
We come to magnify your holy name
We join the heavens sing unashamed
About your goodness the price you paid
And by your stripes I’ve been redeemed
Now the healer He lives in me.
He lives in me He lives in me
He lives in me He lives me
Now the healer lives in me.
(Lyrics of “He lives in me”
That is outrageous!
That is out of this world!!
That is radical!!
That is awesome!!!
Yes that is also true!!!
His name is Jesus.
The Bible says that if you call on his name you will not be put to shame.
I did 12 years ago and His love never ceases to amaze me.
No matter what we do or how good we are we can never be able to reach out to our Creator. It is for this reason that Jesus Christ had to come to fill the gap to be the way.
All you have to do is believe.The world teaches us to see and the believe but with God you must first believe to see. Its all about faith y'all.
Heb11:6: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
I believe that there is eternity to be gained and eternity to be lost with this choice that we make.
Just pray this prayer – Jesus Christ I call on your name I ask you in my life. Come in my life make me new. As your word says I believe that you died for my sins and were raised for my sake. I ask you in my heart today. I want to have a relationship with you for now on.
Bible says, if you are in Christ you are a new creation and the old creation has passed away and all things have become new.
1 comment:
1 John 5
1EVERYONE WHO believes (adheres to, trusts, and relies on the fact) that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah) is a born-again child of God; and everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of Him (His offspring).
2By this we come to know (recognize and understand) that we love the children of God: when we love God and obey His commands (orders, charges)--[when we keep His ordinances and are mindful of His precepts and His teaching].
3For the [true] love of God is this: that we do His commands [keep His ordinances and are mindful of His precepts and teaching]. And these orders of His are not irksome (burdensome, oppressive, or grievous).
4For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith.
5Who is it that is victorious over [that conquers] the world but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact]?
6This is He Who came by (with) water and blood [[a]His baptism and His death], Jesus Christ (the Messiah)--not by (in) the water only, but by (in) the water and the blood. And it is the [Holy] Spirit Who bears witness, because the [Holy] Spirit is the Truth.
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