Our relationship was not the very best but we knew we loved each other.
Almost 2 years ago he came to the church with me and made the most important decision in his life; he called on the name of Jesus Christ and called him in his heart. I can never forget that day as I was there with him right by his side praying with him.
I was not there when he died, infact I was told about him almost a week after he passed away. A few days prior to that I was thinking about my Uncle Phil, he never did have the very best in life but I had the assurance that he will in the life to come because of his decision. I never knew that it had already come to pass.
Now I know for sure what Paul meant when he said;
"Death is swallowed up in victory.
1 Corinthians 15:54-55
O’ death where is thy sting?
O’ grave where is thy victory?"
the words of Jesus Christ sums up what I believe;
”I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live”
John 11:25When from the dead God raised His Son
And called Him to sky
He gave our souls a living hope
That they should never die! – Watts